What Are The Benefits of An Associate’s Degree in Business?

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College degree sticker shock often scares would-be students away from pursuing four year degrees at private institutions. With tuition rates that continue to outpace the rate of inflation, it’s easy to understand why so many students opt out. But how can you build a big business career without a big degree? An Associate’s Degree in Business might be your answer. Here are some benefits to taking this alternate path:

Get into the workforce sooner. If the ultimate goal of your education is to get a job (of course it is!), then an Associate’s Degree allows you to get on the job sooner. Typically taking half the time than it would take to attain a Bachelor’s Degree, an Associate’s can be a fast path to a real career.

Gain marketable business skills. You want an education you can put to work! The skills you’ll learn in your program will help you understand how businesses work. You’ll learn some basics about the principles of business, but also specifics about:

·         Human Resource Management

·         Performance Evaluation Methodology

·         Customer-Focused Management

·         Sales and Marketing Principles

·         Legal and Ethical Business Practices

Do it online. It’s no longer necessary to check into an actual classroom to pursue a degree. ELearning allows you to fit your business program into even your busy life. That means you could work while you learn. Maybe you’re already at a company you love, but just not in the role you want. Getting your degree online isn’t just convenient; it shows your supervisors and coworkers that you want more and are ready to work to achieve it.

Have less debt. Depending on the school and program, your degree could be a fraction of the cost of a Bachelor’s Degree. And if you choose to earn while you learn, you could start building financial security while you’re still in school.

Set the foundation for future education. Maybe you actually do want a Bachelor’s Degree, or even an MBA someday. An Associate’s Degree in Business can serve as a building block on your way to higher education.

If you want a career in business but don’t have the time, money, or inclination to pursue a four-year degree at a pricey private college, consider starting with a certificate or Associate’s degree. At Charter College, we can help you build on your education so you can build a career you’ll love. The Charter College AAS in Business Administration is a degree completion program that can help you earn your Associate’s degree. Fill out the form and we’ll be in touch to answer any questions you may have.