Shannon Ayzie – Guiding Students to Healthcare Careers

Great Careers Start Here

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When Shannon Ayzie’s infant daughter was diagnosed with bacterial meningitis, her world was turned upside down. For the next three months, Shannon shuttled back and forth to the hospital, doing what she could to make sure her daughter had a shot at a healthy life.

“My daughter’s illness made me want to learn more about care and medicine. I wanted to know everything about her treatments and antibiotics. I realized the importance of understanding healthcare because I wanted to be a better mom,” says Shannon.

Today, her daughter is healthy and enjoying life, but from that early introduction to medicine, Shannon dedicated her career to healthcare, starting as a Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA). She then earned a Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration and later pursued a master’s in public health, combining her practical experience with academic expertise. She used this knowledge to climb the ladder and become an associate dean of healthcare programs. That’s when she discovered another calling: teaching.  

Shannon Ayzie - Charter College Healthcare Instructor

Experience is the Best Teacher

Shannon applied for a position at Charter College’s Farmington Campus. Her first month was spent in the Career Services Department, where she played a pivotal role in helping students navigate the transition from education to employment. She assisted students with resume building, interview preparation, and the job search, ensuring they had the tools to thrive in their chosen careers. Shannon was then offered the lead instructor role for the Medical Assistant Program and was back to doing what she loved.

“When I got back into the classroom, it was instantly rewarding. I got to see students have those ‘a ha’ moments when they understand the topics I’m teaching,” she says.

Shannon understands that not many students enjoy—or learn from—just classroom lectures. That’s why she focuses on hands-on and experiential learning. 

“I believe in making learning interactive and relatable. I’ll bring out tools and visual aids and show students how they’re used,” says Shannon. “I think the best way for them to learn is to get them involved.” 

Just as she had to learn how to properly deal with her daughter’s illness, Shannon wants to make sure her students are equipped with the knowledge they need to handle stressful medical situations when they arise. And she credits Charter College for giving her both the space and resources to teach her students in her own way.

Shannon’s Impact on Charter College Students

Shannon’s impact extends far beyond the classroom. She goes above and beyond to provide personalized support, addressing individual challenges and guiding her students towards their goals. Shannon’s dedication to student success is evident in the countless stories of her former students who have gone on to secure fulfilling careers in the healthcare industry.

Graduation is one of her favorite times she gets to share with her students, knowing that she played a role in their career journey. 

“Graduation is an awesome time and I always cry. But it’s not the last time I hear from my students. They’ll send me e-mails or reach out on LinkedIn when they get jobs and it really warms my heart,” Shannon shares.

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