In-Person or Online: How to Get to Class On Time
Are you heading back to school? Then, you’ll want to do everything you can to ensure your success. First, find a program that will help you meet your education and career goals. Then set up a plan to survive your back to school transition.
One of the most important steps you need to take to succeed in your career training program is to make certain you get to all your classes on time. Check out some of these helpful tips taken from the Charter College Back to School Survival Guide:
On campus
If you are going to commute to campus, you need a plan to get to every class on time. Start the night before. Prepare your classroom materials, your outfit or uniform, your lunch and snacks. If you’re taking night classes after work, make sure you have all you need to go from home to work to school and back to home.
On the morning of class make sure to use an alarm—or two—so you don’t oversleep. You’ll want plenty of time to get up, ready, and on the road. Anticipate traffic snarls caused by weather or area events and avoid them using alternate routes and mobile apps that will show you how. If you rely on public transportation, make sure you know the routes and schedules and allow extra time for glitches. If you carpool, make sure your fellow commuters are as dedicated to getting to school as you are.
Before you even enroll in your online program, make certain you have the right technology. You’ll need a dependable internet connection and the appropriate computer hardware and software. At Charter College, our IT Help Desk can answer any questions you might have about getting connected. If you don’t have what you need at home or if you run into technology problems, have a backup plan. Public libraries, community centers, and even coffee shops often have free Wi-Fi. Finally, make sure to connect to your classroom portal every day to make certain you don’t miss assignments, due dates and important announcements.
If you’re thinking of going back to school, download our free Back to School Survival Guide now. We’ll show you how to find success in one of our career-focused programs in business, health care, information technology, veterinary assistant and the trades. If you’re ready to change your life, start here.