Deadline 2015: Electronic Medical Records Required

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The U.S. Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Mandate has entered the penalty phase and healthcare facilities have more incentive than ever to use EMRs. If they don’t get onboard, they could lose a portion of their Medicare reimbursements right now and their costs are set to increase in the coming years.

But healthcare providers shouldn’t just use EMRs to avoid penalties. EMRs can help save lives! They increase efficiency, reduce medical errors, and help to provide better overall patient care. They also ensure that both providers and patients receive the benefits they deserve.

If EMRs are important, then so are the men and women who work in Medical Billing and Coding. They serve a vital function and their services are in high demand. “Right now there is a dramatic shortage of skilled workers,” says president of healthcare consultants Trust HCS Torrey Barnhouse.1 Job growth for the sector is also expected to be much faster than average through 2022.2

But why is there such demand for what these trained professionals do? One reason is the U.S. Affordable Healthcare Act. Since more people have access to healthcare, there are more people in the system. Another reason is that we have an aging population, and many people have chronic illnesses which require regular medical services. And it’s really important that their records are accurate and easily accessible by the physicians and medical personnel who treat them!

Medical billing and coding professionals translate medical diagnoses, treatments, procedures, and outcomes into codes that can be universally recognized. Under new coding standards scheduled for October 2015, there are more than 140,000 codes, up 625 percent from the previous system!1  People who learn coding are critical components to the U.S. healthcare system.

If you’d like to learn more about careers in healthcare, including what it takes to work in medical billing and coding, check out all the programs we offer at Charter College. Do you have what it takes to become a vital part of the American healthcare system? Find out here.