5 Most Significant Issues Facing Adult Learners

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Going back to school is a big decision, one that can have a big impact on your future. It can provide you with a whole new skillset and put you on the path toward a new and rewarding career. But as an adult learner, you may face issues that you didn’t have to deal with in high school. You’ll have to consider your job and family and how classes will fit into your busy schedule. You’ll also have to consider the financial aspect of college and how tuition can fit into your budget.

Cost of an Education

An education is a great investment in your future, but one that you need to plan for. You may now have the financial responsibility of a home, car, groceries, utilities, and maybe even children—adding in the cost of tuition and textbooks may not seem feasible. Did you know that as an adult student you may still qualify for financial aid? There is no age limit for applicants, and you could be eligible for grants, scholarships, and student loans that could help you pay for tuition and related expenses.

A Busy Schedule

As a kid, your week revolved around school, homework, and extracurricular activities. But as an adult, your week might revolve around work, family, and your kid’s extracurricular activities. How can you fit classes into all that? With an online program, you can complete classes when it’s most convenient for you, whether that’s during your lunch break or at night when the kids are in bed. Buy a planner or download a calendar app that can help you plan your class schedule and keep track of important assignments and deadlines.

Access to Campus

If you don’t live near a college campus, you may feel that you don’t have access to higher education. Even if you do live near a college, you may be worried about how much time the commute to and from campus will take. But with online classes, you won’t need to worry about the commute at all. You can complete your virtual program from your home, from the library, or any place that offers Wi-Fi.

Low Self-Confidence

If you didn’t do well in high school, you may think that you won’t do well in college. But that doesn’t need to be true. As an adult learner, you’ll have more control over your education than you did as a teenager. You’re more mature, determined, and ready. You’ve probably already accomplished a lot in your life. Now take that good attitude into the classroom! Develop some good study habits and follow through. For example, if big assignments stress you out, break them up into smaller assignments that you can work on day-by-day. And if you’re worried about being the only adult student in class, don’t be! Studies show that enrollment of students over the age of 25 has increased in recent years. You can be one of them.

Lack of Support

Mom and dad may not be there to encourage you to do well—or maybe they are. But now that you’re the adult, you can seek out your own support system. Family, friends, even your kids can give you confidence and support. Maybe your plan to return to school is because of your kids and you don’t want to disappoint them. Then let them be part of your team and ask them to pitch in around the house. And don’t forget to look to your instructors; it’s their job to help you succeed. Ask questions when you need answers. And don’t forget your peers; consider study groups. Remember, you’re all in this together!

At Charter College, we support all of our adult learners with resources such as student success coaching, financial aid and literacy, and flexible scheduling. We offer blended learning and online formats to fit your busy schedule, and you’ll learn from industry professionals who have years of experience. Call 888-200-9942 or fill out the form to learn more.