4 Ways to Get Back into Study Mode

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Whether you’re returning to school after a break or you’re enrolling as an adult, getting into the school mindset isn’t always easy. Here are 4 ways you can get into study mode:

1. Map it Out
The first step toward success is to set realistic goals and map out a path to reach them. Small steps each day can make a big difference over time. Prioritize your daily and weekly tasks. Map out when you’ll complete certain assignments or study for an exam. Spread it out and tackle the quick and easy tasks first.

2. Cut Back on the Clutter
Designate a space for studying that’s clean and organized. Studies suggest there is a direct relationship between clutter and stress.1 A designated study space is just what you need to complete assignments and prepare for exams. Separate yourself from distractions and keep all your study materials nearby.

3. Develop a Healthy Routine
To make the best of your study time, get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night.2 As you sleep, your body recharges and your mind consolidates memories, allowing you to fully absorb and remember information you learned the day before.3 If you wake up on time and refreshed, you’ll be ready to conquer the day. Eat a balanced diet and don’t skip meals. Don’t rely on energy drinks or coffee to keep you running. No matter how busy or stressed you get, sleep and a healthy diet will help you concentrate and be productive.

4. Get Social
Connect with your learning community to help you overcome the challenges associated with going back to school. Introduce yourself to your classmates and instructors. Take full advantage of the staff and campus resources to help you learn, graduate, and succeed. Connect with the community through social media to get study tips and daily motivation. For example, Facebook offers a unique forum where you can engage with other students, get advice from graduates, find out about events, and ask for help.

Do you want to go back to school? Are you worried about how to get into study mode? Charter College can help! Check out our blog to learn more study tips. At Charter College, we have resources to accommodate all your student needs. We can help you get on the path to success both in school and after you graduate. Learn how to get started today!
